Hello everyone,
Yes, I am being transfered to Lethbridge. I am going to be covering a YSA ward, and my companions name is Elder Whiting. That's about all I know. I have to drive down, I hope I don't get lost =)! I am driving two other Elders down.
This past week has been crazy. We met with a former investigator named Debra on Tuesday and she accepted a baptismal date for July 16th. We found out Elder Hawkins is going to be training a new missionary on Thursday, so I've known since then that I am going to be transfered so I have been saying goodbye to everyone in the Ward this past week. On Sunday I spoke in Church and I cried. I talked about missionary work and how it's a responsibility of every member of the church. A lot of people came up to me and said that my testimony was very touching. That's about all of the stuff that has happened this last week.
I am having my last dinner tonight with the Nzojibwamiis and Sister Nzojibwamii called last night and told us that she would have four of their friends there for us to teach, so that will be really cool.
On Sunday we saw a house burning down and that was exciting.
I also remembered to bring my camera today so I am sending you pictures of a lot of stuff, my exchange in Banff, Temple Trip, some of the members in Cochrane. =) Umm I don't know what else to say except I am glad that I got to serve here in Cochrane. It was a really interesting place and I got to see a lot of cool stuff. I am excited to go to Lethbridge - it should be a lot of fun.
I love all of you and I am praying for all of you. If there is anything that you need let me know!
Love Elder Dowd
Cardston Temple
Calgary Temple Construction
Fairmont Banff Springs
Elder Dowd, Dallin Bachynski, Marc Nzojibwami, and friend
Elder Dowd 6'3" Dallin Bachynski 7'