That's so crazy that Tanner is leaving soon. Did Christian Peterson have a farewell? Has anyone else gotten mission calls?
Not much else happened this week, we had some non members show up to each of our Wards yesterday. We are teaching two of them this week.
I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Tomorrow is Leadership Training meeting and I get to go, and I am excited because Elder Crowther will be there! Other than that it's the same old stuff. But conference is this week I am very excited for it. I turn 8 months on Sunday. Its' crazy how fast time has been flying.
I am glad you are feeding the missionaries there. Feed them something different like Mexican food, your hidden cheeseburgers or your Shepard's pie. I really miss your Shepard's pie Mom. People feed us lots of different things. Here in the YSA area we get lots of different things because most of the people feeding us are returned missionaries and they try to feed us something different.
I love you all and I am sorry that the emails are not very long. I am praying for all of you. I hope all goes well this week. I love you too!
Love Elder Dowd
Richie is on

Im American and I'm a Mormon.
About Me
I like sports and i dont care who knows. I enjoy playing basketball and water polo and also enjoy all sorts of music be it gangster rap country music or jazz. My greatest accomplishment would have to be getting second place in a lip synching contest. I like being outdoors and i also like being inside when its cold.
Why I am a Mormon
I was fortunate enough to be born into this church and i have always known it is true. When i was a child i taught myself to read from the Book of Mormon and i have had countless reaffirmations to me that it is true. I know by the power of the holy ghost that becuase the Book of Mormon is true Joseph Smith translated it by the power of God and that he reestablished the Church of Jesus Christ by that same power. This means that the Church of Jesus Christ is the only true and living Church on the earth today.
How I live my faith
I live my faith by trying to follow Jesus Christ. I do my best to follow him at all times not just on Sunday, and i try to think of how he would treat and think of others around me and i try to do the same, so for that reason i am currently serving a mission and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.