Here some pictures. The work is good. We meet with lots of different members and one of them is a relative of Brother Sulz, her name is Sister Mcclellan I think. But I don't know her maiden name and she said that she lived with Shane when she was younger for a little bit, but yeah there are alot of cool people in the ward. Some are more missionary minded then others, but it is ok. Elder Crowther and I get along really well and everything is good. I spent too much time trying to send pictures so I will write more next week. Tell Chris that I heard that Coach Sloan quit and the Jazz traded Deron Williams and that the Jazz will be better now because they will play Fesenko more, also tell him to write me! Tell uncle carl that i miss him and pray for him, and that i liked his Valentines day card, also tell my friends that i miss them.Its really cold up here, its like Hoth from Star Wars. Cochrane is on average since ive been here -18 celcius plus wind chill so tracting is always really fun.The Church is true, and there is power in the gospel and in the priesthood. But yeah, keep me posted!
I love you
Elder Dowd
Elder Dowd pointing to Clagary on the map, classic. |
Elder Dowd with some of his district |
Elder Dowd with his district, sporting krispy kreme hats |
Elder Dowd with his whole district |
Elder Dowd with his MTC companion, Elder Grbin |
Elder Dowd with Elder Burdett at the Provo Temple |
Elder Dowd with Elder Hamilton at the MTC |
Elder Dowd all bundled up in his room in Calgary |
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