Hello Everybody,
Conference was great! I really enjoyed the Saturday morning session. It was exciting to see Brother Richardson speak yesterday. I was sitting by our Zone Leaders and I told them I knew him.
It sounds like you are all having fun and learning and growing. I have been out for eight months now -- it has gone by incredibly fast. This past week was good -- we had a referral from a family ward and we had a nice lady come to conference who wants to meet with us this week. Also we got a referral from the Cardston Elders and some of our former prospects are starting to look up.
President Archibald promised us all that we will get a baptism for each Ward we cover in October so this will help in the miracles and be sweet to see. We had a leadership training meeting last week from 9-6 and it was really long. I kept track of how many comments Elders were making because some of the Elders just say things for brownie points, so that was fun. There was an elder in our Zone that made 27 comments! I made 8 and one of them was a question that President specifically asked me. But the good thing about that meeting was that I got to see Elder Crowther! So that was nice. We ate lunch together. That was fun.
I hope that you all have a good week. I sure love you all!
Love, ELder Dowd
PS Mom I wouldn't mind getting my friends letters. I will do what Rick does and take pictures of the email with my camera and read later.
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