Dear Family and Friends,
Hello! I was late emailing today because we went to the Calgary Zoo for a P-day activity. It was pretty good. There was no one there and we got free passes so we were able to go in and out really quickly so we still got to play basketball and stuff. Now I have just under an hour to write before going to dinner. We are eating at a part member family's home tonight. The dad is not a member but he is a sous chef at a hotel here in town so I hear the food is really good.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Yes, we already had Thanksgiving about a month ago but not too many people are ready for Christmas yet. There are a few houses with Christmas lights up. It's getting cold up here, it was minus 30 yesterday, but today was nice it was like 1 degree outside. Every area in the mission has a car. We are supposed to be getting a brand new subaru any day here and yeah I am staying warm.
Yesterday was pretty cool we had a random person show up to church from Iran. He said he came looking for friends. He came right after sacrament meeting and we invited him to meet with us, but he didn't want to. We invited him to the ESL class that are put on Sunday nights. He came and the missionaries that are supposed to teach the class never showed up. So I ended up teaching it and we were just walking around the church and I pointed to a picture. There were two Chinese men in the picture. This man from Iran and the other students wanted to know more about the picture. So, I grabbed a gospel arts book out of the library and taught them all about the life of Jesus and the Restoration it was pretty cool.
Mom and Dad, my Mission President asked me to ask you, "What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?" So, if you will write me and let me know I would appreciate it.
Other than that nothing too exciting has happened. I couldn't sleep at all Friday night and then I was feeling reaaly sick and so I slept like all day Saturday. That was weird. We are going to dinner soon and I still need to shower so I love you all and I will talk to you all later!
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Love Elder Dowd
Oh ps mom you can just put Elder on the gift for my companion
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