It has been a wonderful week as we celebrated the birth of our Savior. I am so happy to be out here teaching about his life.
It has been pretty calm weather wise. We don't have a lot of snow and it has been mild weather.
We were invited to a lot of people's homes for Christmas dinner, but because of the phone calls home, we did not accept any. We did tell a lot of people we would stop by. We did end up eating a really good Christmas dinner with a family of one our Ward Mission Leaders. The people in these two Wards were really nice to us for Christmas. We were given lots of gifts - one member gave us $150. Others gave us candy, cookies, ties, shirts, etc. They are really great people. I did not yet receive your Christmas package, but all the mail goes to the Mission Office. The Zone Leaders go there on Fridays, so they pick up all the mail on Fridays, so maybe I will get it later this week. I did get the stocking package. I hung it up as well as the Christmas tree Rochelle and Chris made. THANKS!
We were going to go shopping yesterday for P-day, but...the malls were so crowded. There were people lined up outside the mall trying to get in, so we will go another day and get something for my birthday. It was really nice to get all those emails from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday. Thank you.
Well, my time is about up. I will be thinking of all of you and especially of Rochelle as she goes to the temple this Friday. Tell Rochelle I say good luck and I love her.
I love you all.
Love, Elder Dowd