Hello Family and Friends!
That sounds like crazy stuff has been going on at home. How was Maddie's birthday? I can't believe it's already December and that I can talk to you all in twenty days! Yes, we were able to go to the Christmas devotional. We were late though because we went to give this man and his little daughter a blessing, so we didn't get there until the end part of Elder Eyring's talk. I saw the video of the annunciation and the nativity.
Things have been good. We haven't been teaching any investigators, but we have been seeing a lot of miracles. There has been this Iranian man that keeps coming to church because he wants a friend. There are these two Korean girls that are living with a member -- we taught them the 1st discussion in gospel principles and we invited them to be baptized, but I'm not sure how much they understand. Other than that not much exciting is going on.
Elder Pikula and I are really close with this family from Australia. They are from Perth I think. Their youngest son is autistic. They are really nice. Also, the member who took us to the Thrift Store last week bought me the suit - it was $20! Also, about the weights - the mission rule is that the missionaries cannot bring weights into the member's homes with whom they are living, but if the member has weights and offers the missionaries to use them, they can. We live with a single man who has a weight set and he invited us to use them, so we do. I am kind of stuck at weight loss - but working out. I ate brownies last week though.
Next week are transfers - I hope Elder Pikula and I stay together. I will be writing on Tuesday next week because of transfers.
We spend most of our time shoveling walks nowadays, shoveling walks contacting, and babysitting the elders in my district -- one of them is going home next week and he seems like he is done. They are only getting like 4 lessons a week. But I need to stay positive!

On Christmas day Mom and Dad you can call me between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 pm. We can talk for 45 minutes. So, let me know next week what time works best for you. I will send you my cell phone number next week. I guess it will just be you and my sisters because Grandma and Grandpa Dowd and Carl are going to Arizona.
I love you all and hope that you all stay warm!
Love, Elder Dowd
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