Dear Family and Friends,
That's an exciting week you had last week! That must been a lot of fun and quite the relief to be done with basketball. I've been praying for all of you!

Eternity (laying down), Maddie, Mercedes, Jamie, Dani, and Marcy
Not too much exciting happened this week. We went on exchanges on Tuesday and, and we had free lunches every day. There is a less active family whose daughter just turned 9 and hasn't been baptized yet. She has been coming to church and we have been visiting with them so hopefully we can help her get baptized. It would have been nice if she could have been baptized sooner as the Elders have been visiting this family for several months now.
We did find this recent convert and she is from the Philippines and knows all the Filipino people in town. Her cousin has been reading the Book of Mormon so hopefully we should teach him soon.
I really like my companion, Elder Anderson. We are working so hard!
So we have a lot of exciting prospects coming up. We spoke twice in church yesterday. In one ward they were talks on Counsel to Youth. In the other ward it was a last minute talk on how Temple Work is Missionary Work, which was interesting because we have been trying to involve the members here in Proclaiming the Gospel but they are all content with just doing temple work so I shared Moroni 10:31 and explained the three fold mission of the church.
Yesterday we went to dinner with a family called the Schows and they asked me if I know the Bradfords, and I told them yes, and they said as soon as we left they were gonna call them and ask. Then we met with the Bishop of the Leavitt Ward out in Leavitt, and he said he served in Montreal. His name is Bishop Leavitt! There are a lot of people with the same last names - Leavitt, Pitcher, Beavan, Cahoon, Beazer and Olson.
Well that's about all that's happened this week. I love you all. The church is true!
Elder Dowd
PS Mom I think you asked a while ago about one of my ties so I took a picture of my ugly tie collection for you.
Oh and there are people going down to Montana all the time and a family was nice enough to get me jalapeno chips so you don't need to send me anything. I am very satisfied!