We saw a lot of cool miracles this week! We were visiting with a recent convert and his family and his 18 year old daughter, who is not a member, asked us a bunch of questions and her dad told her to take the discussions, so we are teaching her on Tuesday.
Then on Saturday we were meeting with a less active family whose daughter is turning 8. The bishop asked us to visit with them and teach her the lessons. They had a Filipino lady living with them and she sat in on the lesson and wants to meet with us next week.
Then last night when we were planing we had a family call and tell us that they are having their non-member friend over to be taught on Friday.
Then an older sister from Church called us and told us that her non-member care taker wants her daughter to come to church so she told her she would have some teachers from the church call. She gave us her number so if things go well we should have at least 4 new investigators this week!
I have been so tired though and haven't been feeling very well. We went to church in a little town called Mountain View yesterday and I guess the missionaries haven't been out to church there in awhile because when we went they had us sit up on the stand. I kept falling asleep.
My companion is great. He is such a good missionary. I asked him if he is related to Coach Anderson who passed away. He said he is not, but that he had him for his PE Class at UVU. My companion is really smart and sometimes he talks about things I have no idea what he is talking about, but it is kind of funny.
Have you heard of the Genealogy Fan? Cardston has a lot of genealogist enthusiasts. They are so good at doing genealogy. They keep telling us we have to get our fans printed out. So, I did. We need it for a training this week. Everyone here in Cardston does tons of genealogy and indexing. Our stake did over a million names for indexing last year and there was a man who did over 10,000 initiatories over the last year and a half.
Mom, your friend who lives out in Hill Spring isn't in our area. She lives in the Zone Leaders area. Other than that I don't have anything too cool to report. I guess here's a cool fact -- Fay Wray of King Kong fame is a native of Cardston, Alberta!

Love ya!
Elder Dowd
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