I am doing grreaaat! We picked up two new investigators this last week, taught a lot of lessons, we had a training, some of our investigators are really close to being baptized. YSA is sweet - everyone invites their friends. Our mission is getting 80% of our baptisms from member referrals.
We had a funny, but embarrassing experience this past week. We were in a member lesson and Elder Whiting and I couldn't stop laughing. We laughed all through the lesson and it was the first lesson and we were laughing during the 1st Vision. I don't know how appropriate it was, but it was funny.
Not too much else is happening. I am way tired though because we were out till 11:30 one night because an investigator needed some help! I can't go into too much detail but it was crazy.
I am glad to hear you met up with Jonny Low. Glad you got the things I sent and I look forward to getting the 6th Month package! Tell Auntie Tye that was sweet of her and Tanner to send something in it.
Good news - the Canadian mail strike is over, so I can get mail again. Bad news - I am not getting any. Can you let my friends know I would love to hear from them?
I love you all and I know this church is true!
I love you all!
Elder Dowd