Canada Day was ok. We had no appointments, so we just stopped by a lot of peoples homes and rode our bikes. I did wear a Canadian tie on Canada Day though! Happy 4th of July to you!
Elder Whiting is from Mapleton -- his parents names are Mark and Judy.

Elder Whiting
Lethbridge is sweet and so is serving in the Young Single Adult wards. Everyone here is excited about missionary work. We also see other missionaries every day and it is a lot of fun. Lethbridge is awesome, we live in an apartment. We cover the whole west side of Lethbridge. We are teaching a lot of people and challenging a lot of people to do missionary work.
Just yesterday we stopped by this referral and asked him if we could teach him - he let us in and we taught him the first lesson. He soaked it all up and he accepted a baptismal date for July 23rd and he is going to come to p-day today and we are going to teach him again on Tuesday!
The weather has been nice here in Lethbridge its been around 25 -28 degrees Celsius which is 77 to 82 Fahrenheit, and its nice and windy here so when we are riding our bikes we don't get too hot.
That's pretty much it. I really like Elder Whiting and I really like Lethbridge. We are going to see a lot of success here in this area.
I love you! I am praying for you every night!
Love Elder Dowd
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