This last week was pretty good. Nothing too exciting happened. We called this girl named Danielle and she had been taught before. She said that she needs to be baptized, so that was exciting.
We cover all the YSA wards on the west side of Lethbridge so there are 3, but right now they are all meeting together because it is summer. Lethbridge is really great and the YSA are really great as well. They understand the importance of missionary work. We were riding bikes, but not as much. We do walking sometimes. With our cars we are only allotted a certain amount of Kilometers a month and they cut that allotment in half for July so we only have like 600 km for the month.
I am feeling good. Elder Whiting eats really healthy and so I have been trying to eat healthy as well. I have been working out in the morning. Today we went running with the Stake President and his son. He told me that he served his mission in Quebec and Mom, I think he is around your age. His name is Richard Low.
I'm glad to hear you all had a good week, that Girls Camp was good and that you had a nice 4th of July. I miss America =) I have my American flag hanging up in our apartment. I have been praying a lot for you all. That's about all that's happening here. We are going to play basketball and dodgeball today with the zone and that will be fun. I hope you all have a good week and I am excited for Christian to go to the same mission Jordan is, I was hoping he would come here! Tell him I am really excited for him!
I've heard that Harry Potter comes out this weekend. Hope you have fun watching it without me=). I'm not too worried about it, as I am having a lot of fun here. We see the other missionaries in our district almost every day for lunch and the members in our wards are pretty cool. Dad, I can see why you enjoy serving at the BYU YSA. I sure am grateful for all you have taught me and that you do for me.
Here's the picture of the Nzojibwami family from Cochrane, I thought I had sent it.
Egide, Delphine, Beatrice Nzojibwami, Elder Dowd and Marc Nzojibwami
I love you all.
Love Elder Dowd
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