Hello Family,
Cardston is great! There are maybe 5000 people in the whole town and we are covering 7 wards and the Waterton branch, that is closed until the summer.
The temple is a block away from where we live and I see it all the time -- it is so nice. The temple is usually closed on P-day, but on the 20th it will be open so we can go then and on transfers we have p-day on Tuesday so we can go then too.
Elder Anderson is great he has only been out for one transfer and he is from Springville, Utah. He is really good with cars and is a better missionary than I am. He was being trained by Elder Blackham, Aunt Fredi's neighbor.
Elder Anderson - with the Cardston Temple coming out of his mouth!
Cardston is a really funny place, there are a lot of old people that move here so they can die near the temple. We spoke in Church yesterday and I saw about 10 young families maybe and the rest are just older people. We live with an older member whose name is Brother Seabourne. He is the grandfather of Travis Seabourne who I met in Lethbridge. He is the one who is dating Morgan Bailey's friend. Small world. He is really nice. He feeds us breakfast every morning and is always willing to come to lessons with us. He looks a lot like the elderly man from the movie UP.
We get free lunch every day because a lot of the restaurants in town are owned by members and sometimes we get double dinners, but somehow I've lost a little bit of weight which is nice.
We cover two little towns called Leavitt and Mountain View just a little ways out of Cardston and there is this one man who we visit who is a taxidermist and reminds me a lot of your coworkers Mom. He is really nice and gave us some elk and moose meat to eat. He also gave us some spare elk skin that I am going to try and make a scripture case out of. Other than that I can't think of much else to say. We got a new car which is a 2011 Subaru Impreza which is really nice.
We had a baptism this Saturday, it was a young girl who is 9 years old. Elder Anderson baptized her and the Bishop confirmed her. So that was cool.
This older man named Brother Marshall came up to me and told me he has Dowd's in his family history.
The Plewrights, an Australian family that Elder Pikula and I got really close to came to the temple and had lunch with us on Saturday. It was nice to see them.
The Plewrights with me and Elder Crowe who was one of the Zone Leaders from my last area.
Well that's about it. Here are some pictures. I am glad Grandma and Grandpa Dowd got a new computer. I am looking forward to hearing from them.
Love you all,
Elder Dowd
P.S. Elder Whiting and Elder Welling went home too which is weird. Elder Crowther will go home in May. I am the second oldest missionary in the zone now. It's weird. Love you!
Elder Welling (just went home) who trained Elder Crowther who trained me!
Sister Macias who served in Lethbridge with me. She is home now.
Elder Dowd, Elder Grbin (MTC Companion) and Elder Mercado