After a warm spell that lasted weeks, Aletha Bennett faced a wind chill of –27 as she ran along the Bow River pathway on Sunday.
Photograph by: Gavin Young, Calgary Herald
Dear Family and Friends,
We have had a lot of chinook winds lately and so the weather has been really nice! However, this past weekend, they subsided and now it is -14 today and got down to -26 degrees Farenheit, so it is not so fun anymore!
This next Sunday we have Stake Conference in the Stake where we are serving, so that should be pretty nice. I always enjoy those meetings.
My companion is still struggling with his health - he will be seeing a specialist this week, so that will help know what course of action the Mission President will need to take to best help him. So, keep us in your prayers.
I am sorry this letter is short, I accidentally pushed something on a longer letter I was sending and it just erased and I am needing to go, but I appreciate all of your support. You asked who I got mail from -- I got a Christmas card from Arielle Harrison, Elder Travis Lindberg and Sister Boss this week. Sister Boss send me $20 which was really sweet, thank you Sister Boss. I think I told you who else I got cards from in an earlier letter. Oh yea, the Eschenbergs sent me a card, it's crazy how much those boys have grown!
I have lost my camera so I would love if you all could pray that I find it.
Good news, I found out that Elder Quinton L. Cook coming here in March so maybe we will have a Mission Tour, that would be great.
Glad to hear you are all doing well.
I have to go, but I love you all,
Love, Elder Dowd
Calgary weather update: Environment Canada is calling for periods of light snow on Monday and temperatures holding steady around -25 C. Expect an overnight low Monday around -29 C, or -36 C when the wind chill is factored in. A wind child warning remains in effect for the Fort McMurray/ Fort MacKay area, with temperatures there likely to plunge to -40 C or lower (-36 ºC = -32.8 ºF)
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