Dear Family and Friends,
Sadly, my companion's health concerns ended up being too difficult to manage on his mission and he returned home yesterday. I have been working with the Zone Leaders for a few days. I found out this morning I am being transferred to Cardston to the West Zone there in the Fort Macleod Zone. My companion will be Elder Anderson. I will know more about him next week. Fredi's neighbor, Elder Blackham, was his companion and that is about all I know. Carston is a fun place to go because most of the restaurants there are owned by members of the Church and they invite the missionaries to eat there!
My health is good. The weather hasn't been too bad. I've been staying pretty warm. Elder Pikula gave me some good gloves that have kept my hands warm.
My testimony is good. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that
he gives his priesthood to his servants the prophets and that whenever
there is a prophet on the earth the Church of Jesus Christ is on the
earth. I know that there was an apostasy after the earthly ministry of
Jesus Christ and his apostles and the priesthood authority was lost
but has now been restored by the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that the
Book of Mormon is evidence of that restoration and of the divinity of
Jesus Christ. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints is the true church on the earth and the only church with the
priesthood of God. This priesthood allows us to participate in all the
saving ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ which allows us access
to the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that Thomas Monson is the
prophet of God today and this I know by the power of the holy ghost.
On January 12th they hung Angel Moroni on the Calgary Temple. The pictures below are some pictures another Elder took who was near there when they raised the angel on the temple.

I lost my camera and haven't been able to find it. But I was fortunate enough to have been given a $100 dollar gift card to a Superstore so I went and bought a camera. I got a Fuji because I as able to get SD cards and a case. Other than that and being transferred to Cardston, which I am excited about, not much has been happening. So I love you all and hope that you are staying warm.
Love, Elder Dowd
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