Yeah the branding was a lot of fun we are going to go do it again. And it did smell really bad but it's OK it was still fun. We would brand them and then burn off the horns and it was the horns that really smelled bad, the branding kinda smelled like steak I thought =). Tell Grandpa Turley and Julie that it's fun to have a shared experience with them! Grandpa, did you get any kind of scar from getting the branding iron on your arm? I never noticed anything.
Sounds like a lot of fun stuff is happening back home with Maddie going to Prom, Nickie moving home, and Nickie and Rochelle off to Disneyland. Members tell me all the time that they just went down to Utah and I always reply, "So it's still there?"
Not too much else happened this week. We met with our progressing investigator a few times and he is still set to be baptized on Saturday. We just need to sit down with him and arrange everything like set up a time for the service, let the auxiliaries know and the Zone Leaders will interview him.
They are still constructing the temple. It will probably be done this fall. Here is a picture of me standing by it last March and a couple pictures of it last week. They put maple leaves into this window design.
We are having our mission tour this week in Lethbridge so that will be fun to see a lot of missionaries. Elder Melchin is visiting. He is the Area Authority from Calgary. The Zone Leaders, Elder Staley and I have been practicing a musical number for it. We are going to sing a Tongan hymn. We are going to try and videotape it and have a member put it up on YouTube so you can see it.
Something this week I've learned is to not be offended and that we can all receive mercy and the atonement is for everyone.
Oh yea, Sister Leavitt know Chantelle's fiances family. She said they moved away awhile ago. Other than that not too much happened. I will tell you a funny story though. We went to lunch and these old men came and asked us to sit with them. As we were talking to them Elder Langi slipped his shoe off and Elder Staley grabbed it with his feet and then another Elder kicked it across the room! It was pretty funny.
I sure love you all! Have a good week!
Ofa Atu!
Elder Dowd
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Cow Branding
That's cool that Chantelle got engaged. I will have to see if I can find her fiancé's family here in Cardston. Things are going great here in Cardston! We have been working with a lot of less active people. We set a baptismal date for our investigator for Cinco de Mayo. Things are going really well with him. We taught him twice this week and we had a really spiritual lesson on Friday where we were totally guided by the spirit through the whole lesson. Elder Staley is awesome to work with as he is very spiritual and we teach so great together.
Elder Staley and I volunteered at a handicap center on Thursday and that was fun. We also did service helping brand cows on Saturday and that was a lot of fun. We would work in pairs. One of us would grab a calf's hind leg and pull it out of a group and then the other one would wrap their arms under one of its front legs and pick it up and throw it on the ground and then put their knees into its neck. Then people would brand the cow, give it a vaccination and burn its horns off. We went with the zone leaders and we wrestled the cows. The zone leaders are in the Barfuss' ward and they asked us if we could go help them brand too so we might get to go help them too.
Here is a picture of us in Cardston BRANDING COWS last week!
Transfers were this last week and we got a new Elder in the other Stake in Cardston, his name is Elder Langi and he is from Tonga.

Here is a picture of all the Elders in Cardston. Me, Elder Kuettell, Elder Staley and Elder Langi

Elder Kuettell, Elder Ellgen (he just got transferred), me, and Elder Staley
How is the weather there? It is really nice here right now.
These are pretty much the highlights of our week it was really good.
I sure love you all and I am praying for you every night! Love Elder Dowd
That's cool that Chantelle got engaged. I will have to see if I can find her fiancé's family here in Cardston. Things are going great here in Cardston! We have been working with a lot of less active people. We set a baptismal date for our investigator for Cinco de Mayo. Things are going really well with him. We taught him twice this week and we had a really spiritual lesson on Friday where we were totally guided by the spirit through the whole lesson. Elder Staley is awesome to work with as he is very spiritual and we teach so great together.
Elder Staley and I volunteered at a handicap center on Thursday and that was fun. We also did service helping brand cows on Saturday and that was a lot of fun. We would work in pairs. One of us would grab a calf's hind leg and pull it out of a group and then the other one would wrap their arms under one of its front legs and pick it up and throw it on the ground and then put their knees into its neck. Then people would brand the cow, give it a vaccination and burn its horns off. We went with the zone leaders and we wrestled the cows. The zone leaders are in the Barfuss' ward and they asked us if we could go help them brand too so we might get to go help them too.

Transfers were this last week and we got a new Elder in the other Stake in Cardston, his name is Elder Langi and he is from Tonga.

Here is a picture of all the Elders in Cardston. Me, Elder Kuettell, Elder Staley and Elder Langi

Elder Kuettell, Elder Ellgen (he just got transferred), me, and Elder Staley
How is the weather there? It is really nice here right now.
These are pretty much the highlights of our week it was really good.
I sure love you all and I am praying for you every night! Love Elder Dowd
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I Met Your Mission Friend Mom
NOTE from Richie's Mom: On Friday I received this note from my friend who I served a mission with in the Canada Montreal Mission
Maureen Barfuss 3:55pm Apr 13
Guess what I just met your boy! He is a good looking fine missionary and I recognized him as your boy as soon as he smiled. He totally has your smile. I guess he was on splits with the missionaries in our stake. I walked around the corner and I called him by his name before he could introduce himself to me.
We had a nice visit and I enjoyed talking to him and learning about your family. We gave us a good message and of course challenged us to have someone in our home for them to teach. Then he took a picture of the family that was here at the time and I must warn you that it will be scary. The youngest girl Maddie is sick with the flu. Darcy just had come in for dinner from the farm and I had no make up on the Mikayla had just fallen out of a quad trailer and had a road rash up her back. So she had her shirt tucked up and I was doctoring her back and she quickly ran into the other room to pull it out. So really no big deal just a normal day at the Barfuss house! Just warning you probably not the best picture, but it was with your boy.
He looks great and he looks happy. He says that he is hoping to last another transfer here so I guess we will see on Wednesday. I talked to Carolyn at a basketball game and she said that she met you and enjoyed her visit with you too. She takes good care of the missionaries it sounds like. She's a good woman. I hope all is well with you. I guess that you are getting a girl ready to graduate from high school aren't you? Family keeps you busy ay? Anyways just a note to tell you that he is doing great! Thanks for sharing your son with us.
Hey Mom,
Yeah we went on exchanges so I thought I would go and say hi to Sister Barfuss for you. They are a great family and they are misionary minded which is nice.
Sounds like everyone else is doing really well back home. Things are going great here in Cardston. I'm really enjoying it and we are teaching a few more people now. We started teaching this young man. He's been coming to church for awhile and his sister just got baptized recently so that's pretty promising.
Elder Staley and I are staying for another transfer as well. So that will be good. Other than that nothing too exciting has happened! I sure love you!
Love, Elder Dowd
PS For Easter Elder Staley and I made Easter eggs. Elder Staley did the one
with the fish and mine's the other one.
Also, on exchanges we saw a house with a lot of election signs on their lawn!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
All is Well
The library was closed on Monday for Easter and it and the businesses up here were closed last Friday for Good Friday. Next week is transfers, so I won't write until Tuesday again.
I am doing really well. Elder Staley and I are working really hard and things are starting are starting to happen. We have been struggling to get the family of the little girl that we have been teaching to come to church. So she's not progressing too much right now. Last week we got a referral from someone who told us that his friend wants to meet with us but he is in Calgary until the 16th. We are teaching a new investigator tonight so hopefully that should go well.
It looks like everyone is doing pretty well. Thanks for all the pictures. What are those shirts that everyone is wearing? Maddie looks like she is medicated in that wisdom teeth removal pic!
Thanks for the Easter basket. Tell Grandma and Grandpa Dowd and Carl thanks so much for the CD. We had fun with the messages in the eggs. Thanks to Aunty Tye for her note. Did you all have a good Easter? Elder Staley and I went to this family's house and we painted Easter eggs, we are going to go finish them tonight! Then I can send you pictures.
I guesss to answer your question on how I am feeling, just last night I started getting a really bad sore throat and my sinuses are way bad. I've been dong a lot of stuff to try and feel better. I took some Vitamin C, drank some hot medicine, drank lemon juice, had lozenges but it's still hurting. Other then that things are going great, we have been working with a lot of less active people and the dad of this one family came to church which was really good.
I sure love you all and hope you had a good Easter weekend!
Love, Elder Dowd
Here are a couple pictures from our golf game last P-day! Have a great week!

I am doing really well. Elder Staley and I are working really hard and things are starting are starting to happen. We have been struggling to get the family of the little girl that we have been teaching to come to church. So she's not progressing too much right now. Last week we got a referral from someone who told us that his friend wants to meet with us but he is in Calgary until the 16th. We are teaching a new investigator tonight so hopefully that should go well.
It looks like everyone is doing pretty well. Thanks for all the pictures. What are those shirts that everyone is wearing? Maddie looks like she is medicated in that wisdom teeth removal pic!
Thanks for the Easter basket. Tell Grandma and Grandpa Dowd and Carl thanks so much for the CD. We had fun with the messages in the eggs. Thanks to Aunty Tye for her note. Did you all have a good Easter? Elder Staley and I went to this family's house and we painted Easter eggs, we are going to go finish them tonight! Then I can send you pictures.
I guesss to answer your question on how I am feeling, just last night I started getting a really bad sore throat and my sinuses are way bad. I've been dong a lot of stuff to try and feel better. I took some Vitamin C, drank some hot medicine, drank lemon juice, had lozenges but it's still hurting. Other then that things are going great, we have been working with a lot of less active people and the dad of this one family came to church which was really good.
I sure love you all and hope you had a good Easter weekend!
Love, Elder Dowd
Here are a couple pictures from our golf game last P-day! Have a great week!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Some Miracles
Hello Family and Friends,
P-day was on Tuesday this week because we had interviews with the Mission President yesterday. Next week we will write on Tuesday too because Monday the library is closed for Easter. Then the week after that will be transfers, so that will be on Tuesday also.
We just got to the library after going to the temple, it was really sweet. We went to the early morning session so it was just in one room, but it was nice. We got to go see the baptistry and we got to look through some of the rooms.
Sounds like everyone is having fun. I'm glad you could meet Sister Leavitt, she is sweet. Thanks for sending up a package with the Nelsons, they are a good family. That is great you were able to meet up, or Rochelle was, with them. I really enjoyed conference. I thought it was wonderful. Other than conference not too much news I guess.
That is good news about Amber, that is really cool. It's really nice today, like 17 degrees (62 Farenheit) so we are going to go golfing. We had a Family Home Evening lesson last night with a lot of empty nesters and the lady in charge brought a non member. We taught her - it was pretty cool. Then when we were sitting there visiting afterwards, one of the members asked me if we knew a former investigator in our area book. I told him I do not know him. He said that he wants to be taught again and wants to be baptized! So that was a miracle and hopefully we should start teaching him this week.
On Thursday we were out walking in front of the temple and we saw our Mission President's car in front of the temple so we left a little note on their car, but they didn't call us or say anything about it. The next day I had to call and ask President Archibald for permission to do a baptismal interview. I thought he just didn't see it or something but he said, "Thanks for the note." It was pretty funny.
I did a baptismal interview on Friday and that was cool. And Elder Staley and I got taken out to Waterton on Thursday and that was pretty cool as well. To answer your questions, Waterton is a Canadian National Park. We went and just saw the town. Next week I will send pictures. I haven't got the Easter basket you sent yet, but I did get the nobake cookies you sent. They were good and I shared them!
Other than that nothing more to report that I can think of.
I sure love you all and hope you have a good week! Wish me luck on the golf course!
Love Elder Dowd
P-day was on Tuesday this week because we had interviews with the Mission President yesterday. Next week we will write on Tuesday too because Monday the library is closed for Easter. Then the week after that will be transfers, so that will be on Tuesday also.
We just got to the library after going to the temple, it was really sweet. We went to the early morning session so it was just in one room, but it was nice. We got to go see the baptistry and we got to look through some of the rooms.
Sounds like everyone is having fun. I'm glad you could meet Sister Leavitt, she is sweet. Thanks for sending up a package with the Nelsons, they are a good family. That is great you were able to meet up, or Rochelle was, with them. I really enjoyed conference. I thought it was wonderful. Other than conference not too much news I guess.
That is good news about Amber, that is really cool. It's really nice today, like 17 degrees (62 Farenheit) so we are going to go golfing. We had a Family Home Evening lesson last night with a lot of empty nesters and the lady in charge brought a non member. We taught her - it was pretty cool. Then when we were sitting there visiting afterwards, one of the members asked me if we knew a former investigator in our area book. I told him I do not know him. He said that he wants to be taught again and wants to be baptized! So that was a miracle and hopefully we should start teaching him this week.
On Thursday we were out walking in front of the temple and we saw our Mission President's car in front of the temple so we left a little note on their car, but they didn't call us or say anything about it. The next day I had to call and ask President Archibald for permission to do a baptismal interview. I thought he just didn't see it or something but he said, "Thanks for the note." It was pretty funny.
I did a baptismal interview on Friday and that was cool. And Elder Staley and I got taken out to Waterton on Thursday and that was pretty cool as well. To answer your questions, Waterton is a Canadian National Park. We went and just saw the town. Next week I will send pictures. I haven't got the Easter basket you sent yet, but I did get the nobake cookies you sent. They were good and I shared them!
Other than that nothing more to report that I can think of.
I sure love you all and hope you have a good week! Wish me luck on the golf course!
Love Elder Dowd
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