NOTE from Richie's Mom: On Friday I received this note from my friend who I served a mission with in the Canada Montreal Mission
Maureen Barfuss 3:55pm Apr 13
Guess what I just met your boy! He is a good looking fine missionary and I recognized him as your boy as soon as he smiled. He totally has your smile. I guess he was on splits with the missionaries in our stake. I walked around the corner and I called him by his name before he could introduce himself to me.
We had a nice visit and I enjoyed talking to him and learning about your family. We gave us a good message and of course challenged us to have someone in our home for them to teach. Then he took a picture of the family that was here at the time and I must warn you that it will be scary. The youngest girl Maddie is sick with the flu. Darcy just had come in for dinner from the farm and I had no make up on the Mikayla had just fallen out of a quad trailer and had a road rash up her back. So she had her shirt tucked up and I was doctoring her back and she quickly ran into the other room to pull it out. So really no big deal just a normal day at the Barfuss house! Just warning you probably not the best picture, but it was with your boy.
He looks great and he looks happy. He says that he is hoping to last another transfer here so I guess we will see on Wednesday. I talked to Carolyn at a basketball game and she said that she met you and enjoyed her visit with you too. She takes good care of the missionaries it sounds like. She's a good woman. I hope all is well with you. I guess that you are getting a girl ready to graduate from high school aren't you? Family keeps you busy ay? Anyways just a note to tell you that he is doing great! Thanks for sharing your son with us.
Hey Mom,
Yeah we went on exchanges so I thought I would go and say hi to Sister Barfuss for you. They are a great family and they are misionary minded which is nice.
Sounds like everyone else is doing really well back home. Things are going great here in Cardston. I'm really enjoying it and we are teaching a few more people now. We started teaching this young man. He's been coming to church for awhile and his sister just got baptized recently so that's pretty promising.
Elder Staley and I are staying for another transfer as well. So that will be good. Other than that nothing too exciting has happened! I sure love you!
Love, Elder Dowd
PS For Easter Elder Staley and I made Easter eggs. Elder Staley did the one
with the fish and mine's the other one.
Also, on exchanges we saw a house with a lot of election signs on their lawn!
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