That's cool that Chantelle got engaged. I will have to see if I can find her fiancé's family here in Cardston. Things are going great here in Cardston! We have been working with a lot of less active people. We set a baptismal date for our investigator for Cinco de Mayo. Things are going really well with him. We taught him twice this week and we had a really spiritual lesson on Friday where we were totally guided by the spirit through the whole lesson. Elder Staley is awesome to work with as he is very spiritual and we teach so great together.
Elder Staley and I volunteered at a handicap center on Thursday and that was fun. We also did service helping brand cows on Saturday and that was a lot of fun. We would work in pairs. One of us would grab a calf's hind leg and pull it out of a group and then the other one would wrap their arms under one of its front legs and pick it up and throw it on the ground and then put their knees into its neck. Then people would brand the cow, give it a vaccination and burn its horns off. We went with the zone leaders and we wrestled the cows. The zone leaders are in the Barfuss' ward and they asked us if we could go help them brand too so we might get to go help them too.

Transfers were this last week and we got a new Elder in the other Stake in Cardston, his name is Elder Langi and he is from Tonga.

Here is a picture of all the Elders in Cardston. Me, Elder Kuettell, Elder Staley and Elder Langi

Elder Kuettell, Elder Ellgen (he just got transferred), me, and Elder Staley
How is the weather there? It is really nice here right now.
These are pretty much the highlights of our week it was really good.
I sure love you all and I am praying for you every night! Love Elder Dowd
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