I am doing really well. Elder Staley and I are working really hard and things are starting are starting to happen. We have been struggling to get the family of the little girl that we have been teaching to come to church. So she's not progressing too much right now. Last week we got a referral from someone who told us that his friend wants to meet with us but he is in Calgary until the 16th. We are teaching a new investigator tonight so hopefully that should go well.
It looks like everyone is doing pretty well. Thanks for all the pictures. What are those shirts that everyone is wearing? Maddie looks like she is medicated in that wisdom teeth removal pic!
Thanks for the Easter basket. Tell Grandma and Grandpa Dowd and Carl thanks so much for the CD. We had fun with the messages in the eggs. Thanks to Aunty Tye for her note. Did you all have a good Easter? Elder Staley and I went to this family's house and we painted Easter eggs, we are going to go finish them tonight! Then I can send you pictures.
I guesss to answer your question on how I am feeling, just last night I started getting a really bad sore throat and my sinuses are way bad. I've been dong a lot of stuff to try and feel better. I took some Vitamin C, drank some hot medicine, drank lemon juice, had lozenges but it's still hurting. Other then that things are going great, we have been working with a lot of less active people and the dad of this one family came to church which was really good.
I sure love you all and hope you had a good Easter weekend!
Love, Elder Dowd
Here are a couple pictures from our golf game last P-day! Have a great week!
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